Latinas don't leave their parents home until they are married -- well at least that's how it was in our mother's land.
It's been two years since I moved to DC from Arizona, and this week I realized just how much everything has changed since I left. I moved for good reasons, but that doesn't take away the lonliness and guilt I sometimes feel.
Lonliness because I'm almost 3,000 miles away from the people I love & know love me unconditionaly. Guilt because initially my move broke my parents heart, and because I was no longer able to help or be of use to my family if they needed help.
Today they are orgullosos that I am attending Georgetown, so my initial guilt has faded. Yet, after this week & seeing how sick my aunt is(post soon to come) and how far along my grandfather's dementia it's harder for me to hide or ignore my guilt. I'm not here to help take care of either one, or give my grandmother support or provide humor with one of my pendejadas that I am well known for :-).
I know what I'm doing is for the best, and will help my family in the long run but I realized I had to make the biggest sacrifice in trying to achieve success - family.
I wonder what others have had to sacrifice, and if it was their familia how did they cope.
-- Post From My iPhone
Hi Alma,
I found your blog through "blogher" and really enjoyed reading it. I feel a lot of admiration for you and your strength and sense of adventure. :) I'm a Caucasian writer working on a novel for teens that features a Latina secondary character that would like to be a lot like you (education before family, etc). I adore this character and I want to make her as authentic as possible. I'd be very grateful if you would be willing to answer a few general questions for me that would help me make her so. If you're willing, please email me. alinabk(at symbol)
If I don't hear from you I'll understand.:) Best of luck with your education!
See....good post. jaja, your an awesome writer and have good stories. Solo te falta tiempo mujer!
Saludos y Abrazos
I love your blog! You should write more often. I am barely getting my own blog started. I often have writer's block lol Any tips?
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