I was on a date recently with someone I met at church. Although he wasn’t Latino, the fact that he was catholic was enough to get my mother excited. Yet, the person who should have been excited about him - me - wasn’t. This was my attempt to move past CM.
We were getting to know each other, talking about the normal topics people discuss on a date (i.e.work, family, friends, movies, music, etc), and to my surprise I found myself enjoying the evening. Sadly that mood was quickly killed.
After we ordered dinner, he asked “So how did you arrive to the United States?”
My first thought was “WTF”, but I calmly and politely answered “I was born here.”
My name, and the blog give it away I am a Latina/Hispanic, however I am a US citizen. I notice that many times people make the mistake and think that Latinos/Hispanics living in the United States immigrated (legally/illegally), but the reality is many of us were born here. We are proud of being American and Latino/Hispanic, except one is our nationality and one is our cultura.
My date and I discussed this, and he saw where what he said could come off as offensive. Unfortunately for other reasons there will not be another date.