In the past few weeks life took over and I had to play catch up. Now I’m trying to mix both worlds - my world and the world that revolves around me (I’m kidding I know it doesn’t).
Today I was reminded that being a healthy single Latina in my twenties I had a lot more catching up to than my laundry and learning to dance Salsa. I was told that at my age I needed to settle down with a good man and start having children before it was too late.
“Es tu obligacion como mujer. Si quieres hijos verdad?”
This didn’t even come from my mother or from my aunts in Mexico, but from someone I had just met and here in DC! I know she meant well, and I didn’t take offense.
I do want to have a family one day, but I don’t think it’s my obligation to fill the world with mini-Almas. Con una basta!
I gave the trademark response, “Si quiero tener mi propia familia pero por el momento no tengo pareja, ni estoy casada. Yo creo que todo vendra a su tiempo.”
She didn’t find the fact that I was single, or that I thought everything would come with time reason enough for me to hold off on having kids and told me that I made good money and that I should just have them on my own...before my eggs get old.
I guess I should have been more specific and said that I didn’t have a sperm donor, but I found this both funny and depressing.
So to cheer me up I went and had my eye brows threaded this evening and plan to go out share a pitcher of margaritas. Who knows maybe this way I’ll across a sperm donor!
Just kidding, I don’t want to deal with no cigs and alcohol; stretch marks, gas and hemorrhoids for nine months alone with no partner to suffer with me or “baby daddy” drama for the next 20 years of my life.