I am very excited about the opportunity for several reasons including: (a) I have had my eye on this organization since I moved to DC, (b) I will be able to develop and oversee online marketing initiatives to both general and Hispanic/Latino audiences, (c) my office is located in downtown DC just a few minutes from my apartment, and (d) I will be able to afford drinks for everyone who gave me their guidance and support these past few months.
I was unemployed for two months, and that is short time period compared to what many have experienced in the nations recent layoffs. In those two months I went through a lot of emotions, but I was also able to focus on me, and see who my friends really were.
I went from feeling sad to relieved and hopeful to scared and angry then to hopeful and confident about the future. To avoid getting caught in my emotions I had to keep telling myself, “no hay mal que por bien no venga”(there is no bad from which good doesn’t come) or “todo pasa por algo” (everything happens for a reason). I also kept myself busy by studying subjects that interested me, looked for jobs, and tried things I had never done before like running, learning to cook Mexican food from scratch and wash dishes (see my first post).
Thorough this I learned:
- that there was nothing about running to fear, and I am capable of running the distance
- I can cook from scratch, and that it is actually good
- and that washing dishes doesn’t make me ready for marriage
- most importantly I learned I’m a strong woman with great friends that can rise to the occasion
From this situation I am most grateful for everyone who was there when I needed it the most. I know I always try to put a brave face, but that didn’t fool them. Whether we knew each other from work, school, and childhood or only knew through twitter they always vocalized their support. Not everyone who once claimed to be my friend, specifically CM*, was there and although that saddens me I can see now who matters, and I want to thank them.
Thank you to @lafauce for being my rock and always reminding me how much “I rock.”
@mstory123, thank you. Without your class, and your guidance always pushing for the best in one to come out I would have forgotten that I had talent - talent that has carried me through my career and into Georgetown’s graduate program. I almost let myself forget but you didn’t let me and I hope I don’t disappoint.
Thank you to all my friends including HC, LK, DC, AGB and CS to name a few. My friend LK for getting me to put on my tennis shoes to face my fear of running and helping me gain my confidence one stride at a time =). DC for reminding me that there was something bigger out there in life for me. Thank you HC, CS and AGB for not being afraid to stick up for me and help me in my job search.
I know that without everyone’s support I would not have had the confidence to walk into that interview, much less walk out with a job offer. I admit that as I put together my outfit for tomorrow I still don’t understand why everything happens; I am learning to trust that everything does happen for a reason that we are strong enough to deal what comes our way. So until we can meet after work here’s a virtual toast to the future, friendship and health – may we always be rich in all three.

*CM are not his real initials.
Buena suerte con tu nuevo trabajo. You are going to do great, I know!!
What a wonderful post from a wonderful person. Good things happen to good people.
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