Wednesday, June 25, 2008

You don’t look Hispanic

Nothing offends me more than when someone says to me "You don't look Hispanic" or "Well, you're not really Hispanic".   

When I was younger I would think "WTF, I look like my family (which still lives in Mexico) what am I supposed to look like?" or "Que no me ven el nopal en la frente?" Today, I tell myself it is out of ignorance, and try my best to educate him/her that we (Hispanic/Latinos) are not a race and that Latin America is made up of different cultures. 

Although I don't agree with the comment that I don't look Hispanic, I can understand why some people would say it.  Thanks to TV many have the idea that Hispanics/Latinos are short, dark and poor.  I'm 5'6", white skin that doesn't tan, strong facial features and naturally light hair (I dye it black) and think I look just as Hispanic/Latino as Jennifer Lopez, George Lopez or as the man I use to buy my burritos at lunch from his lonchera.  

The comment I don't understand and take an even bigger offense is when people say I am not a real Hispanic or act like one.  Hmmm.... how am I supposed to act?

Maybe bring tamales for everyone in the office?
Or as a hot tamale and use my sexuality to get by?

Fat chance I am or will ever be any of the above!

The funny thing about all this is I spent the majority of my childhood in Mexico, and spoke no English when I started school in the states (ni una groceria sabia decir en Ingles).  

Yet I'm not a real Hispanic/Latino.  

1 comment:

NewsUnicorn said...

That annoys me too! I get the same comments. Our own people are ignorant of their own people. We come in different colors.